FAN FICTION Film & Screenplay Festival – Deadline Today

Submit your Fan Fiction Screenplay or Film Today via FilmFreeway under the WILDsound Festival (FAN FICTION Festival Submission):

Use 50% off discount code to submit via FilmFreeway: fan50

Fan Fiction FILM FESTIVALS also take place every 3 months to showcase the best of Fan Films. Accepted films receive an audience feedback video of their film used to promote their movie.

Submit a Fan Fiction SCREENPLAY of a classic television show, movie series, or iconic franchise. Any past TV show or movie in the history of cinema. For example: You can send in a Friends TV screenplay, or a feature script from the Star Wars universe.

Offers writers at all levels the fantastic opportunity to hear their scripts read aloud using TOP PROFESSIONAL ACTORS and showcased online for 1000s to see. Gives you, the writer, the opportunity to have your fan fiction read by professionals and showcased to the industry and world.

No matter what happens, you will receive full feedback on your script by our established reading committee. No other place in the world will you get coverage for the price you pay. Even if you’re just looking for feedback on your script, this is the festival for you.

It’s there for all to see! These videos garner 1000s of views online. Some of the screenplay readings are more popular than actual studio films made!

Also one of the best places in the world for the writers to sell their script.

The RULES are simple:

1. Write a script. Make a film. Edit the heck out of it. We accept features and shorts of FAN FICTION.

2. Pay the $30 submission fee via the button below via paypal or credit card. Please put your full contact info (name, email address) on a title page
Buy Now Button with Credit Cards

You can also submit via FilmFreeway under the WILDsound umbrella:

3. Email your script to in .pdf, .doc, .wpd, .rtf, or .fdr format.
In the body in the email please add your:
– TYPE OF SCRIPT (feature, TV, short)
– (optional) and a 1-2 line synopsis of your screenplay.

ALL SUBMITTED SCRIPTS and FILMS GET FULL FEEDBACK – The goal of the festival is to help everyone involved grow as an artist, so we will offer some kind of constructive criticism whether or not we accept your entry for the formal festival.

There is no festival like this!

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